This is us!!!

This is us!!!
Bill, Kristy, Taycen, Tegan and Calie

About Us

Tremonton, UT, United States
Well, Hello there! We are The Spencers. We live in great old Tree-town(Tremonton)Utah. We are an interesting family of 5. Dad (Bill) is now a full-time and volunteer Fireman. He works full time for Weber County and volunteers here in town. He loves it! He sure is gone a lot :( But, it is nice to know that he is helping people. Mom (Kristy) is a sales-person at T&C Homes. She is also the Assistant Extrodinare(jk) Advisor for the Bear River High School Color Guard. She loves both of these jobs very much and they keep her very busy! Nothing beats being a mom to 3 amazing kids..... Taycen, Tegan and Calie (please read about them on the side column!)

Summer 2008 (Our favorite things)

  • Water
  • Fireworks
  • Camping
  • Lagoon

Boating 2008

We have a wonderful friend who happens to have a boat. He invited us out for a fun day at Willard Bay! The kids had an absolute blast riding the Tube and swimming. I was offered a chance to drive! I was freaked out but did a pretty good job (as long as I went straight LOL!) Turning was scary!
Thanks Brent!

Calie girl liking the boat ride!

Calie girl liking the boat ride!

Kids on the Tube!

Kids on the Tube!
This was so fun! It took some time for Tegan to get on it (he was a bit nervous)

Tubin Taycen

Tubin Taycen
Taycen loved this. He liked to go a lot faster and crazier than the rest of us!

Look at the HOT (NOT) Babe driving the boat

Look at the HOT (NOT) Babe driving the boat

Tegan thinks his mom's driving ROCKS!

Tegan thinks his mom's driving ROCKS!
Taycen looks like he is going to cry LOL....Just itchy eyes! Calie is just good at chillin!

4th Of July 2008

We had a great 4th of July. On the 3rd Mom and the kids went to Logan and enjoyed the USU Stadium Shows and Fireworks. On the 4th, we spent a family day together and even had a picnic dinner at the park in Brigham while we watched more Fireworks. Then we took our tired butts home and did our own little firework show!

Silly Girl

Silly Girl
Ok, so we got a little bored waiting for the Fireworks to start at the USU Stadium. These "Stars" are actually called Stickers Fruit snacks. The kid on the commercial puts them on his face so WHY NOT!!! Good thing I took baby wipes, we were so sticky.

Nice stars Teg!

Nice stars Teg!
cute and delicious!

Stacker Stickers on Tay too!

Stacker Stickers on Tay too!

We are so excited for the Fireworks to start!

We are so excited for the Fireworks to start!

Gotta have Glow sticks and Slushies

Gotta have Glow sticks and Slushies

Mom and Tay

Mom and Tay
Tay made me some super cool earings out of Glow sticks!

Yay! Fireworks!

Yay!  Fireworks!

Yellowstone National Park 2008

We went to Yellowstone the first weekend in June. Not the best trip ever, but we tried to make it fun. First of all, it snowed (blizzard style) every afternoon. We didn't let it stop us though. We were able to keep warm in our trailer. Each day we went out and saw waterfalls and Geysers. We also spent a lot of time at the Old Faithful Inn, waiting for Bill and his mom to go on a hike that took 5 hours. (We didn't know how long it would take before hand) Mom was kinda Witc&y about that one. Thanks to Aunt Rachel and Matt for playing cards with us and singing silly songs like........."Daddy's whiskers"
We saw a lot of Bison and Elk. Calie had fun naming the baby buffaloes and she will try to find they when we go there again. She just knows that she will remember which names go to which ones!
The kids loved hanging out with their cousins!

Here are a few pics!!!!!!!

Look a Bear!

Look a Bear!

Mama and baby Moose

Mama and baby Moose

Calie lovin ice cream at Old Faithful Inn

Calie lovin ice cream at Old Faithful Inn

Tegan lovin ice cream too

Tegan lovin ice cream too

Tay and his new wolf!

Tay and his new wolf!

Mama hiking at Mammoth

Mama hiking at Mammoth
Yeah, I know I am HOT! So what, I was CAMPING!

Checkin out a Waterfall!

Checkin out a Waterfall!

Lagoon 2008

We try to head to Lagoon every Sunday. This is usually our only day together as a family. We love it there!!!! Here are a few of my favorite pics.................

Cute kids at Lagoon

Cute kids at Lagoon
I just really liked this picture!

Cute Little Soldiers!

Cute Little Soldiers!

Merry Go Round Girl

Merry Go Round Girl

Boys on Odysea (about to get wet!)

Boys on Odysea (about to get wet!)

Tegan the train man

Tegan the train man

Spring 2008

This is what's happening............................

Yummy dinner!

Yummy dinner!
April Fools!

April Fools!!!!!

Check out the fun dinner we had for April Fools Day (above)

Here is the scoop!
*The (Grilled cheese sandwich) is really Pound cake that has been sliced and toasted in the toaster. Butter cream frosting tinted orange is the "cheese"
*The (French Fries) are made from refrigerated bread stick dough that is cut-up and rolled in sugar. Later on I added Strawberry jam for the "ketchup"
*The (peas and carrots) are just orange starburst candies cut up with kitchen sheers and green sixlets candies.
*I made a "Raw Egg Sundae" also. A scoop of Vanilla ice cream covered with Marshmallow creme and a small spoonful of lemon pudding. (This is not in the picture above)

We ate dinner as usual and while Bill entertained the kids I put this together. I then called them in for dinner. They said "But mom, we just ate!" It was so fun to do this for them. They told everybody they knew about it. I even got a call from one of their teachers wanting the recipes.

Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Egg Hunt
We went to the Tremonton Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday morning. Wow it was cold! Tegan was a little sad but he recovered!

Easter Eggs

Easter Eggs
We had a great time coloring Easter Eggs the night before!

Easter Morning!

Easter Morning!
TheEaster bunny found us! We had Easter eggs full of candy and some fun toys, all over our yard!

Bunny Cake

Bunny Cake
Mom and the kids made this nifty cake for dessert !

This is Taycen

This is Taycen
In a tank!

St. Patricks Day Breakfast

St. Patricks Day Breakfast
Brooklyn joins us every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday for the start of the day. We have a lot of fun, eventhough Calie doesn't look very happy!!!!


They would kill me if they knew!

Green Pancakes?!?

Green Pancakes?!?
For St. Patrick's day, I decided to surprise the kids with a "Green" Breakfast.

Lovin the Green Scrambled eggs and milk!!

Lovin the Green Scrambled eggs and milk!!
Tegan, Brooklyn and crazy Taycen!

My music

Friday, March 14, 2008

Tag, I'm it!

One Word Tag

I have been challenged to do this tag by my buddy Melissa, so here it goes....

1. Where is your cell phone? Desk
2. Signifigant other? Bill
3. Worst bad habit? Nail-biter
4. Hair? Brown
5. Favorite food? Mexican
6. Your favorite thing? Kids
7. Your dream last night? Colorguard
8. Favorite drink? Diet Coke
9. Dream/goal? Organized
10. Room you are in? Office
11. Your ex? Secret
12. Your fear? Water
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Happy
14. Where were you last night? Fire
15. What you're not? Shy
16. Muffins? Bran
17. Wish list item? Basement
18. Where did you grow up? Idaho
19. Last thing you do? Yawn
20. What are you wearing? Slacks
21. Your TV? Off
22. Your Pets? none
23. Your computer? On
24. Your life? Busy
25. Your mood? Tired
26. Missing someone? Yes
27. Your car? Truck
28. Something you are not wearing? socks
29. Favorite store? Hollister
30. Your summer? Fun
31. Love someone? Absolutely
32. Last time you laughed? Hour
33. Last time you cried? Today
Ok, I had to cheat on the Diet Coke one! LOL. That was fun!


Melissa said...

Thanks for humoring me!

Anonymous said...

Love the Blog Kristy. Your kids are adourable.
Have fun at Lagoon!

Breely said...

Hi Spencers,

It is so fun to see all your fun pictures, and that April Fools meal looks so real! You are so talented with cooking, and blogging too!

Winders said...

Brooklyn and I just saw your blog for the first time - we love it!! We are happy to know that we aren't the only "booty-smackers" in the world!
We miss you.
~Brooklyn and Windie

Unknown said...

Kristy, this is Liz from Bunco. Such a darling blog. I love the fun April fools food you had for dinner, how fun, I am sure your family love stuff like that. Your kids are just so cute in all of the pictures.

This is Tegan!

This is Tegan!
On the tank because he would not get inside!

Tegan and Cal

Tegan and Cal
The Green sugar cookies were a big hit!!! We gave them to a few friends and the Color Guard girls!


We had to leave dance early (which explains the outfit) to go get our Kindergarten shots. This is Cal, waiting for the doctor! 3-11-08

Calie and Crazy Tay again!

Calie and Crazy Tay again!
Yummy, Green Scrambled eggs!

Captain Tegan Noteeth!

Captain Tegan Noteeth!
2 teeth gone in 2 days!

This is Calie!

This is Calie!
In a tank!


Trying to uncover Fire Hydrants up Ogden Canyon

The Used

The Used
Very cool concert that Mom went to recently with sister Kylee! Way too much fun!


Bill took me on a date to Nucor so I could see the place. I couldn't resist posing by the big tire!


Just realized she could blow bubbles. Now she is a pro!


Lovin dominoes at school!


Taycen with a lot of help from Grandpa, put together a very cool Pinewood Derby car!

Taycen and Grandpa!

Taycen and Grandpa!
Of coarse they had to go to the Hobby store to buy just the right stuff for the Derby car! I won't comment on how much we spent! Thanks Dad!


A lot of work sure goes into those Pinewood Derby cars!

Tay at the derby

Tay at the derby
Showin off the coolest car at the Pinewood Derby!

Taycen's car!

Taycen's car!
The finished product!!!!!

Tegan and Dixon!

Tegan and Dixon!
Tegan and his best buddy Dixon, helped wrap a bunch of potatoes for the Tremonton Fire Department Steak Fry.

Tegan loves Chocolate

Tegan loves Chocolate
Tegan at Uncle Nates wedding!

Tegan in the Firetruck

Tegan in the Firetruck
Gettin ready to strap in for a ride!

Smackin the booty!

Smackin the booty!
Ok, so we are weird but my kids and I do this and laugh way to hard!

Giant tower

Giant tower
The kids worked very hard on this block tower!

Calie on The Bat

Calie on The Bat
Calie is big enough to go on the bat this year!

Behold, The Black Belly Button!

Behold, The Black Belly Button!
My daughter and markers, I swear! This of coarse was permanent marker.

Calie at BRHS

Calie at BRHS
Calie just looked cute in her curlers on the afternoon of her dance review. We had to go to the HighSchool for ColorGuard.

Calie and friends

Calie and friends
Calie happened to find some of her friends at her dance review!

Potato girl!

Potato girl!
Dad, Mom, Tegan and Calie went to the Firestation to help wrap potatoes for the Annual Steak Fry/Auction. We wrapped 1400 potatoes in foil.

Calie and Curlers

Calie and Curlers
Calie had to wear her curlers to school because we had to get her dancing pictures taken

Calie and the pigmy goat

Calie and the pigmy goat
We went to a customer of mine's home over the weekend. He has a bunch of animals including this cute little goat. Calie was in love!

Calie the dancing queen

Calie the dancing queen
Calie got her dance costume! yay. This is her on the way to go get pictures

What the &*^%!

What the &*^%!
I don't know why we do the things we do!